Blogging in Baia Mare

Well, well, well… What do you know?

For a while me, myself and I was the only one I knew (isn’t that a bit selfish?) that was blogging from this God forsaken city. In fact for a while I was bloggin’ from Baia Sprie (even more God forsaken). And now, look! There are a myriad of weblogs based in Baia Mare (and powered by Blogger) and as I understand there was even a conference and a workshop held one of these weeks at UBM (North University of Baia Mare) about blogging. The (main) speaker was Gabriela Avram of Prinsea, RoBlogs and Gabrielia fame and the organizer was professor Mircea Lobontiu. It looks like this world is truly small, but I’m still sad I heard / read nothing about the event before it actually happened and as such I couldn’t attend. Well, that’s what happens when you ignore the FeedDemon icon on your desktop for weeks…

Anyway: go, go, go Baia Mare!

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