Keynote frenzy ahead

Eff the match between Romania and France!

It’s liveblog refreshing time tonight at 20:00 PM EET when Steve will get on the stage and announce the toys that will get tons of people excited in the coming months. Hey, what am I talking about? Everyone’s already excited to max. I’m not so keen on the main news as I’m not an iPhone owner and I don’t even want one (this will instantly change the moment Google Maps will include a detailed routable map of Romania) but I’m sure there’ll be other news too. And to be honest I’m geek enough to find the whole thing entertaining and I do get a kick out of finding out about the stuff as it happens.

In completely unrelated news I remembered about this “project” these days and it provided me with a healthy dose of smile again. Actually not the project announcement itself, but some comments are killers. I even made a screenshot and I archived it for ethernity. Via Digg.

Posted in: web, technical, fun, mac.

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