Return to Cavnic

Oh yeah. Monday morning or noon, or whatever it is. I’m sitting in front of my computer trying to do some work, my joints hurt and there’s a nice blue spot on my left leg where the ski lift dragged me from… Just the usual symptoms showing that this weekend we spent some quality time on the slopes at Cavnic.

Saturday was a really event packed day: Ioana worked in the morning (til 12:30), a friend came and picked us up from Baia Mare, we made a short stop at my parent’s house in Baia Sprie to pick up our stuff, arrived to the slopes at 14:30, snowboarded our ass off, returned to Baia Sprie at around five o’clock, went to the birthday of my cousin’s kid, ate well, drank well, fought sleepiness, finally arrived back to Baia Mare at about 22:30, little detour to my place to manage those download jobs, then back to Ioana’s place and bed.

Sunday was much more straight forward but it started pretty sadly when I woke up and saw it was raining outside. I thoght it will be the same up on the slopes but Ioana insisted that we go and so we went. After all, we had a free ride and nothing to lose. To reach Cavnic from Baia Mare you have to go through Baia Sprie (where we made to usual stop to pick up our equipment) and three villages: Sisesti, Danesti and Surdesti. Well, somewhere after Surdesti we reached another world. The rain or rainy snow we experienced in Baia Mare and Baia Sprie was replaced by genuine snow and the surroundings slowly transformed to a real winter wonderland. The road was bad though and at the end of Cavnic we had to make a stop to equip the front wheels of the trusty Dacia with a pair of chains. We reached the slopes and had a really nice time with hot tea and some warm pie included. And a lot of snowboarding of course.

The only negative event of the weekend happened on our way back when because of the bad weather conditions we made a one-eighty with the car in one curve. Fortunately nothing really serious happened except losing the front bumper. Anyway we got pretty scared. For me it was the first “accident” like experience and I hope I’ll never experience something like this again.

Oh, I forgot the important stuff: yesterday Ioana managed to master the skilift. Hurray! :)

Posted in: life.

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