Soul. Sold.

I just sold a bunch of text ads scattered through the more popular posts of this blog. 7 posts. $70. My PayPal account will feel better soon but I felt like a fool while pasting the snippets I got in the mail. I felt, and still feel, like I was whoring out. Selling my soul. I tried to keep it somewhat on the clean side though by adding the ‘Informative Resource’ prefix before each of the sponsored paragraphs but I’ll sure think twice before doing this again…

Update on the 24th of January, 2024 (almost 16 years later) - Whoops, I just removed the last ‘Informative Resource’ paragraph from this post. Obviously I don’t remember who it was that payed me those $70 but I guess we could say that they got their money’s worth…

This is how the post looked:

Informative Resource

Most of the links were (probably long) dead anyway…

Posted in: web, technical.

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