The wonders of the Universe

Why is the catering company that brings food to my workplace every day called ‘Aramis Games’? ‘Aramis’ the musketeer may pass, but ‘games’? Are they playing games with our food? I sure hope they aren’t! But this is Baia Mare, and everything is possible here.

Oh, and I just found the answer to a question that’s been eating me since I was around 10 and heard it at the end of one of the intelligent programmes on TVR - the Romanian television - actually the only official Romanian TV channel back then: what’s the only Romanian word that has 5 consecutive consonants in it? For all you Romanian readers out there, It’s the equivalent of ‘eighteen’. Here’s where I found it and be sure to check out the whole site as it contains lots of interesting and funny stuff (both links are for Romanian readers, obviously).

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