Some good news
Monday, December 13, 2004Yesterday night I arrived to Baia Sprie with a friend and when we reached the school where we were supposed to vote it was 8:59. We boldly entered and asked the police guy if it was still possible to vote. He said we have 50 seconds. Right… So we put the stamps on the right places, received some ‘thank you’-s for the fact that we voted and then went home. The first surprise came when I saw the percents on ProTV which were announcing a tie and respectively a very small advantage for Mr Nastase.
And then the second one this morning. Entering a local chat room I saw a guy shouting that communists got fucked and Basescu won. I got convinced by checking out some sites. Opening Yahoo! Messenger I saw lots of status messages referring to the victory of Basescu. To tell the truth I wasn’t expecting this, but it’s good. How good? Only time will tell, but it’s a lot better than Nastase anyway.
As of writing these lines 92.1% of the votes are counted and Basescu has 51.75%… Oh, and here’s a related (photo)blog entry (in Romanian) I really liked.